What is FRA, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture was originally developed to treat patients with skin conditions and paralyzed muscles from stroke. The result of facial acupuncture was so cosmetically pronounced that it was developed further into a specialized program for anti-aging and beauty. Through a course of facial acupuncture treatments, the results can be akin to getting a ‘facelift’ without the surgical risks of cosmetic surgery.
For centuries, acupuncture has worked to remove these blockages to promote the free flow of energy and regulate the function of organs and meridians which can also enhance the circulation in the skin among many other benefits such as facilitating better sleep and promoting regular and healthy bowel movements.
How it works? Micro damage caused by acupuncture needles triggers collagen production in the skin and causes cell regeneration. The purposeful acute inflammation from the needles or cups brings a flow of blood to the area, including white blood cells benefiting cell repair.
Acusculpting is a specialized cosmetic acupuncture system targeting the whole body. This protocol is designed to firm, lift, tighten and shape tissues and skin thereby ‘sculpting’ the face and body. Specialized needle protocols, as well as massage, cupping, and gua sha techniques, helps to reduce inches, lift, plump, and change the overall appearance and structure of internal and external layers of the dermis. These protocols target the main area (either the face, arms, midline or legs) while also getting selective needles in other areas to benefit the overall issues occurring.
If you’re interested in learning more or trying acusculpting for yourself, please contact me or book an appointment. I would love to hear from you!